Canine Dementia Symptoms and Treatment

One positive outcome of advances in veterinary care is that our dogs are living longer than ever before. But as dogs get older, they can suffer many of the same diseases that affect aging people. As a consequence, veterinarians are treating more and more of their...

Dog Toys for Power Chewers

Is your dog an olympic chewer? Does it seems no dog toy is strong enough for your pup? There is some good news. More and more companies are offering premium dog toys designed to take a beating from even the most formidable chewers. While no toy is truly dog-proof and...

Safe and Dangerous Spices for Dogs

Can dogs eat spices? While it’s true that dogs don’t require five-star dining, many owners love to cater to their dogs’ unique tastes. And many have switched to making their own dog food to provide a better-sourced, healthier diet. So, why not add a...

What to Do When Your Dog Won’t Eat Kibble

Not all dry dog foods are created equal, but for many pet parents, a good-quality kibble is an affordable way to feed their beloved dogs. So, what should you do if your dog simply won’t eat it? Palatability or boredom may be a factor, and some dogs are just...

The Most Common Food Allergens for Dogs

Many dog owners wonder about their pets’ potential food allergies. They’re often surprised to find out that dogs can develop allergies to certain ingredients even in premium foods. Pet foods made with high-quality ingredients and limited fillers are...

Do You and Your Dog Have a Disaster Plan?

Are you and your dog prepared for a natural disaster or other emergency? Whether it be tornadoes, hurricanes or flooding, you should have a disaster plan and emergency evacuation bag ready to go for each of your pets. Here is what you can do to keep your dog...